Other products of this business include:
My name is Hossein Al-Alahan, born in 1347
In 1368, I was employed at Rank Xerox Iran as a technician for computers and Xerox copiers. I worked in this company until 1380, and in addition to repairing computer hardware and copiers, I got to know about the hard parts used in this machine. In these years, I have become an expert in these fields, working with lathes, parts making and molding to make many parts that are used in copiers. I resigned from Xerox and was hired as an employee at the chemical trading company (imports of all kinds of silicones) and my field of work changed. I, who had made parts and repairs of copiers for many years, entered the field of business without any knowledge of this work. As far as I can remember, for the first 5 years, I was only doing order registration and bank affairs and such tasks, I think they are very simple and I did not have any problems in this field, but the part of sales and communication with customers was very difficult for me. But with constant effort, I finally realized what makes the right relationship with people, which became very important throughout my life. . This trick, which I try to use throughout my life, became a turning point in my business. I was working in that trading company until 1400. And since the beginning of 1400, I started working for myself, I was no longer an employee, and I was dealing with customers in the way and under the conditions that I liked. Thank God, I envision a brighter future for myself and my wife every day. In the end, I ask all the dear ones who read the text to start working for themselves one day and I am sure that they will have a much more successful future than an employee.